Page 10 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease - Volume 1 Issue 2
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Meeting Abstracts
both groups. Right ventricular dilatation was still evident on most pa- tients in both groups, with transannular patching group at 60.9% and pulmonary valve sparing group at 60%. RV systolic dysfunction was more common in transannular patching group, accounting for 56.5% of the group while in pulmonary valve sparing group, it was present in 19 patients, accounting for 25% of the group. RV diastolic dysfunc- tion was present in 91.3% of transannular patching group and 85% in pulmonary valve sparing group. With regards to the distance trav- elled in 6 minute walk test, transannular patching group showed a mean of 297 + 71.3m while in pulmonary valve sparing group, it was 215.3 + 69.2m. 96.7% and 97.5% of transannular patching group and pulmonary valve sparing group respectively, were in functional class II, while there was 1 (4.3%) from each group who were in functional class III.
Conclusion: Both RV systolic and diastolic dysfunction are present in the early postoperative period. Diastolic dysfunction was more com- mon among patients who had transannular patching while systolic dysfunction was more common among patients who had pulmonary valve sparing. Pulmonary incompetence was more common among the transannular patching group. Most patients in both groups were in functional class II and had sub-optimal distance travelled in six minute walk test.
Bogdan Cherpak, Igor Ditkivskyy, Viatcheslav Beshlyaga, Bogdan Batsak, Natalia Iashchuk
National Amosov Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm is a quite rare but potentially life-threatening complication. The potential sites for development of pseudoaneurysm after surgery involving the ascending aorta are val- vulotomy site, clamping site, graft anastomosis, needle site and can- nulation site. Despite a significant improvement in surgical, anesthet- ic, cardiopulmonary bypass technique management, the outcome of the surgical management of the pseudoaneurysm remains the same. Different interventional techniques including occlusion with an atrial septal occlude and endoluminal stent grafts have been used for treat- ment this condition. We are presenting a case of successful ascending aortic huge pseudoaneurysm repair with an atrial septal occluder in 55 year old woman following mitral valve replacement as a less ex- pensive option as compared to trance apical stent graft placement. One year of follow up showed excellent result on CT scan.
Diego Crippa, Maria Teresa Politi, Edgardo Izcovich
Sanatorio de la Trinidad Mitre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Background: The role of closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) in patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke is currently under review. Information on regional experience in Latin America and on local ex- perience in Argentina is lacking. We conducted a study is to describe the experience of a single interventional cardiology group from the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina regarding the efficacy and safety of
closure of PFO in patients with cryptogenic stroke or transient isch- emic attack (TIA).
Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study we retrospec- tively collected data through a structured telephone survey applied to patients registered in a database who had undergone closure of PFO due to cryptogenic stroke or TIA performed by a single inter- ventional cardiology group between October 2012 and April 2014. The primary efficacy end point was recurrent cerebrovascular events (stroke or TIA) after the procedure. Safety end points were classified as device-related (endocarditis, embolization or fracture) or proce- dure-related (palpitations, arrhythmias or dyspnea). Descriptive sta- tistics were used.
Results: 30 patients completed the telephone survey. Median age was 54.5 years old (IQR 42-65.2). Most patients were under 65 years old (73.3%) and were female (53.3%). The main septal occluder de- vices used were Nit-Occlud® (43.3%) and Cardia® (36.6%). During a median follow-up of 16.7 months (IQR 9.2-24.7) there were no reports on cerebrovascular events (stroke or TIA) or device-related cardio- logic complications. Procedure-related cardiovascular complications where reported in 26% of patients, being the most frequent palpita- tions (13%) and arrhythmias (10%).
Conclusions: This study indicates that closure of PFO due to crypto- genic stroke or TIA performed by a single interventional cardiology group in the city of Buenos Aires is relatively safe and effective.
Mehul Patel1, Bennett Samuel1, Reda Girgis2, Matthew Parlmer3, Joseph Vettukattil1
1Helen DeVos Children's Hospital of Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
2Spectrum Health Medical Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA 3West Michigan Anesthesiology, PC, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a severe progressive dis- ease leading to gradual increase in right ventricular pressure, right heart failure, and death. Despite recent advancements in treatment, many patients continue to deteriorate while on optimal medical ther- apy with decline in quality of life, high rate of hospitalizations and increased medical costs. Thus, there is a need for innovative thera- pies and interventions to improve long-term outcomes. Increasing systemic ventricular output by promoting right-to-left shunt via atrial fenestration may improve effective systemic oxygen transport and delivery despite arterial oxygen desaturation. Percutaneous stent im- plantation and balloon dilatation of the interatrial septum (IAS) are well-established techniques to create or enlarge atrial communica- tion in a variety of conditions to improve cardiac output. However, complications experienced with these standard techniques include early spontaneous closure of the fenestration, excessive desatura- tion, stent occlusion or migration and difficulties in adjusting shunt size to achieve the desired hemodynamic effects. We describe suc- cessful emergency use of an atrial flow regulator (Mia Medical, Istan- bul, TURKEY), a novel implantable device with central fenestration, in a 54-year-old female with severe PAH.
19th Annual PICS/AICS Meeting Abstracts