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Meeting Abstracts
Results: 125 coil occlusions were attempted in 103 patients. Patients were mostly female (82%) with median age 4.4 (range 0.6-74) years. Most PDAs were Krichenko class A (45%) or E (17%). Minimal diameter was 2 (0.6-6) mm. 15 patients (15%) required > 1 coil. 4 coils were re- moved with a snare/bioptome due to aortic/LPA obstruction after re- lease. 7 coils were malpositioned while still held by the MVC of which 3 embolized while attempting withdrawal. 5 embolized after full re- lease. Total embolization rate was 8/125 (6.4%). 3 patients underwent eventual PDA closure with the MVC and a larger coil, 2 were closed with an Amplatzer Duct Occluder, 2 with 0.052” coils and 1 ligated surgically. Embolizations were more likely in PDAs ≥ 2.5 mm (OR 14.6, 95% CI 2.6-83, p<0.01).
11/98 (11%) patients had trivial shunt by the final angiogram. 6/88 (6.8%) patients with echocardiograms had trivial shunt within 24 hours post-procedure by echocardiogram. No patient had > trivial residual shunt for an overall success rate of 92%. For PDAs < 2.5 mm the success rate was 97%.
Conclusions: Coil delivery using the MVC is safe and effective for small PDAs. While fully controlled release & retrieval devices are now avail- able for PDA closure, coil occlusion with the MVC should still be con- sidered for small PDAs, especially in resource limited regions.
Ernesto Vallejo, Angelo Valencia, Victor Rodriguez
Centro Medico Imbanaco, Cali, Valle, Colombia
Introduction: PDA, a common condition in newborns has 1:2000 inci- dences in newborns over 38 weeks, and augments to 50-80% in low weight born preterms. PDA is associated with high mortality, mor- bidity, cardiac failure, necrotizing enterocolitis, and bronchopulmary dysplasia. Percutaneous closure of PDA is a more promising alterna- tive to surgical closure in low weight patients. Materials and Methods: Patients lower than 4000 g with hemodynamically significant PDA (cardiac failure, cardiomegaly, pulmonary hyperflow, left sided heart dilation, left atrial aortic ratio – (LA/AO) > 1.4) and/or pharmacologi- cal closure failure. Procedure: General anaesthesia, percutaneous clo- sure of PDA with ADO II AS dispositive (choice of the dispositive 2mm greater than pulmonary diameter) , femoral vein with 4 F sheath < 2000 g or femoral vein and artery > 2000 g, non-ionic contrast medi- um 0.5 – 2 cc/kg, angiographic PDA measurements (pulmonary and aortic diameters and length). Liberation of the dispositive in patients < 2000 g by use of echocardiography, and in patients > 2000g using aortography. Median variables with interquartile range variables are presented with frequency percentages. Results: 21 patients were en- rolled with median age, 46 days (range 22-89), 51.1% male, 52.4% < 2000 g, weight, 1900 g (1236 – 4000), 66.7% preterms, LA/AO, 1.55 (1.5 – 1.6), 52.4% with pharmacological closure failure, 42.9% requir- ing mechanical ventilation and inotropic support, PDA classification, 8% A1, 13% C, Pulmonary diameter, 2.5 mm (2-3), Aortic diameter, 5 mm (4.7 – 6), PDA length, 7 mm (7-8), 42.9% with ADO II AS 4/4 dispos- itive used and 42.9% ADO II AS 5/4. After closure 90.5% extubation < 48 hr, 23.8% inotropics, 28.6% transfusions, and no complications or vascular lesions occurred. Analyzing the pre and post variables: days hospitalized pre closure, 8 (1-29), post close, 3 (1-23). Heart Rate, pre close,155 bpm (145 – 168.5), post close, 135 (121 – 155), Systolic blood pressure, pre close, 77 mmHg (67 – 84), post close, 82 (74-86),
Diastolic blood pressure, pre close 38 mmHg (31.5 – 42.5), post close, 55 (50-61.5), Pulse Oximetry, pre close, 92% (90-96), post close, 98(94- 99.5). A significant difference occurred between differential pressure pre close and post close; 38 mmHg, (33 – 42) versus 27 (20.5 – 30) p 0.001. Conclusion: Percutaneous closure of PDA with ADO II AS is a secure alternative for patients less than 4000 g.
Ernesto Vallejo, Angelo Valencia, Victor Rodriguez
Centro Medico Imbanaco, Cali, Valle, Colombia
Introduction: TOF and other critical right ventricular outlet tract (RVOT) obstructions with ventricular septal defects (VSD) can cause hypoxic crisis. Percutaneous right ventricular outlet tract STENT is a saving measure in critically ill patients.
Material and Methods: Paediatric patients (0-18 years old) with TOF or RVOT obstruction with VSD and hypoxic crisis since the year 2010 until 2014. Procedure: General anaesthesia, right catheterization to implant STENT in RVOT (The STENT was chosen in relation to low- er infundibular diameter). Median variables with interquartile range variables are presented with frequency percentages.
Results: 6 patients were enrolled, 5 of them with TOF and 1 with with Atrioventricular Septal Defect with infundibular stenosis. The median age was 7 months (range 4.75-26.75), 50% males, RVOT gradient pre STENT 66.5 mmHg (58 – 72), pulse oximetry 69% (48,5 – 80,5), lower infundibular diameter 4.5 mm (3.7 – 5.6), cardiac structures Z – SCORE were, pulmonary annulus -3.7 (-4.1 - -2.2), right pulmonary artery -3 (-3.4 - -2.7), left pulmonary artery -2.7(-2.8 - -2.1), STENT size 5 x 18 mm until 8 x 29 mm, 86% 1 STENT and 3 patients with 2 STENT. During the procedure the patients were unstable, requiring high pharmacolog- ical and ventilatory assistance. Post procedure, pulse oximetry was 94% (88.5-95), post STENT implantation days 16 (9 – 47), definitive surgery 83.3% valvulotomy and RVOT repair, preserving the native valve and 16.6% prosthetic valve. 1 patient died from non cardiac complications (sepsis). The surgeon had no difficulties in the removal of STENT. 5 living patients had a satisfactory health in its following.
Conclusions: Percutaneous STENT in RVOT is a safe and effective al- ternative treatment in patients with hypoxic crisis. Unstable patients before and during the procedure changed favourably after STENT implantation allowing a more stable condition for surgery. Corrective surgery performed in less than 1 month after the stent provides re- tirement and keeps the native valve. Prospective studies are needed to clarify the indications for this procedure in critical and non-critical patients with TOF and other critical RVOT obstructions with ventric- ular VSD.
Journal of Structural Heart Disease, August 2015
Volume 1, Issue 2: 36-111

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