Page 46 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 2, Issue 1
P. 46

Original Research Article
disturbances in pmVSD are similar to another re- port of 12% CRBBB [10]. CLBBB has been reported at an incidence of 3.7% [16]; however, the incidence of CLBBB was lower at 1.1% using the symmetrical VSD occluder [15].
Overall, our reported incidence of CAVB post-pm- VSD device closure is similar to that reported for sur- gical closure. Certainly the occurrence of “benign” conduction disturbances with device closure is far fewer than that seen in surgical closures.
At 54.5 months mean echocardiographic follow up, complete VSD closure was observed in 91.2% of patients, whereas a small (1–2 mm in size by trans- thoracic echo) residual shunt was found in 8.8% of patients. This is similar to other reports that noted a success rate of 92–97.6% [7, 9, 16].
Transcatheter closure of perimembranous and muscular VSDs has a high success rate with an
adequate safety margin. Heart block following de- vice closure is comparable to the surgical approach. Other rhythm disturbances in VSD device closure are far fewer than those of postsurgical closure. Rhythm disturbances at late follow up are uncommon but warrant close follow up.
We are very thankful to Dr. William Greer for his contributions on statistical analysis of the data in this paper. We also Thank Dr Reyaz A. Lone for his help in preparation of the manuscript.
Con ict of Interest
The authors have no con ict of interest relevant to this publication.
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Journal of Structural Heart Disease, February 2016
Volume 2, Issue 1: 35-41

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