Page 36 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 4, Issue 3
P. 36
Meeting Abstracts
contraindications for transcatheter closure, the other 7 sur- gical cases had lower BW and more pre-procedural comor- bidities comparing to those received transcatheter closure.
Conclusion: In the era when transcatheter PDA closure for premature neonates is safe and e ective, we found that neonatologists generally prefer to send patients to sur- gery if there have been signi cant comorbidities prior to the intervention and if the patient was considered “too small”. However, still a substantial portion of patients who received surgical ligation may be eligible for considering transcatheter closure.
Chi Hsi Chuang1, Ming-Chih Lin2, Shu-Nung Chen3, Sheng-Ling Jan4
1 Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Pediatrics; Pediatric Cardiology
2 Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Pediatrics; Pediatric Cardiology
3 Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Pediatrics; Pediatric Cardiology
4 Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Critical Care; Cardiology
History and Physical: This 1-year-9-month old male toddler was admitted to a certain hospital because of suspected group A streptococcus infection related acute tonsillo- pharyngitis on September 12, 2016. During the hospitaliza- tion, he had high fever over 5 days with clinical symptoms including bilateral non-exudative conjucntivitis, strawberry tongue and ssured lips, generalized maculopapular rash and plaques, extremities change, and neck lymph node enlargement over 1.5 cm, and typical Kawasaki disease was diagnosed. The initial echocardiograms showed RCA 2.8 mm, LCA 3.1 mm on September 14, 2016. Initial lab data showed CRP of 15.17 mg/dl, WBC of 9100/cumm, Hb of 10.4 g/dl, PLT of 123k/cumm, Albumin of 1.9 g/dl, GPT of 155 U/L but no pyuria. He totally received IVIG treatment twice and methylprenisolone pulse therapy at the 3rd course. He had fever for 20 days totally. A RCA giant aneurysm was detected by echocardiogram follow-up, and he was receiving aspirin treatment there. Nine months after discharge, the patient visited VGHTC-PCV OPD for follow-up of Kawasaki disease with coronary artery aneurysm. At our VGHTC hospital, echocardiography showed LCA and RCA giant aneurysms. Then, MDCT showed LCA super giant aneurysm 2.6cm and RCA giant aneurysm 1.2cm. Now, we prescribe Aspirin and Warfarin treatment for the patient. The patient is under close follow-up at our PCV OPD.
Hijazi, Z
2017 CSI Africa Abstracts