Page 47 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 4, Issue 2
P. 47

Meeting Abstracts
Technical challenges: 1-Right or let femoral vein access. Reverse the  uroscopy screen or not 3-Left atrial and atrial septal orientation 4. Expected di cult crossing of the mitral valve
Technique: Right femoral vein and artery puncture were done. (BMV) was done using the transvenous transseptal approach. Inoue bal- loon technique was undertaken using 24-26 mm balloon diameter. Technical tips will be discussed during the presentation.
Result: (BMV) was successfully done without signi cant complica- tions. Left atrial pressure dropped from 25 to 14 mmHg. Pulmonary artery mean pressure dropped from 40 to 20 mmHg Post (BMV) echo showed: Mitral valve area= 1.9 cm2 by planimetry. Mean Doppler gra- dient=5 mmHg .Moderate mitral regurgitation.
Conclusion: Association of rheumatic mitral stenosis and dextrocar- dia with situs inversus is very rare. Only few cases were reported in the English literature where (BMV) was done. Despite technical di cul- ties, (BMV) could still be done in the hands of experienced operators.
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Cite this article as: Hijazi ZM. 2017 CSI Africa Abstracts. Structural Heart Disease. 2018;4(2):66-68. DOI: https://doi. org/10.12945/j.jshd.2018.949.17
Journal of Structural Heart Disease, April 2018
Volume 4, Issue 2:66-68

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