Page 21 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 4, Issue 3
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Original Scienti c Article
cedure in younger and smaller patients. The relation- ship of the closure device diameter to body size and left atrial size can be used as a predictor of the risk of experiencing di culties and prolongation. The septal rim toward the superior vena cava is another predic- tor of procedure di culty and prolongation, and it might even predict the risk of embolization. Further studies on larger patient populations are needed to con rm our ndings.
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Journal of Structural Heart Disease, June 2018
Volume 4, Issue 3:69-78
Cite this article as: El-Segaier M, Ja- doon S, Javid T, Wani TA, Galal MO. Pre- dictors of Procedure Time Prolongation During Percutaneous Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defect - A Ret- rospective Study. Structural Heart Dis- ease. 2018;4(3):69-78. DOI: https://doi. org/10.12945/j.jshd.2018.039.17