Page 14 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease - Volume 1 Issue 1
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Original Research Article
staff cannot be over-emphasized, as they can facili-
tate the flow of information between members of the
heart team.
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The authors have no conflict of interest relevant to this publication.
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As the field of structural heart disease matures there will be many lessons learned regarding the con- struction and organization of a viable program. The concept of a multidisciplinary heart team is a solid foundation on which to build. The primary challenge is to bring together providers from different spe- cialties in a cohesive and effective manner. In order to accomplish this there must be forums that allow joint patient assessment, this role can be filled by es- tablishing a joint valve clinic and supplementing this with weekly meetings with other members of the heart team. Finally, the importance of strong support
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Structural Heart Disease, May 2015
Volume 1, Issue 1: 5-8
Cite this article as: Lasala JL, Aqui- no A. Building a Structural Heart Dis- ease Team: How to Integrate people. Structural Heart Disease 2015;1(1): 5-8. DOI: jshd.2015.00010-14

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