Page 37 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease - Volume 1 Issue 1
P. 37

Original Research Article
diminished likelihood of LV perforation.
BAV may cause clinically important complica- tions, mainly during the procedure that should be addressed immediately. The main complications in- clude death (2.5%), stroke (2%), vascular complica- tions (2.5%), severe aortic insufficiency (1.5%) and permanent pacemaker requirement (<1%) [13]. These risks should be carefully addressed to the patients prior to the procedures. Severe aortic insufficiency is more common with balloon oversizing. A strategy for the short term management of severe aortic insuffi- ciency is tachycardia pacing [14]. In the worst cases a permanent pacemaker can be implanted and used to keep the heart rate between 90–110 bpm to minimize the diastolic time. It is noteworthy that high volume operators may have a lower incidence of these com- plications. Also, the studies are somewhat heteroge- neous, and the risk of the patients may vary from one study to the other. For example, in one study the in- vestigators included patients with cardiogenic shock who underwent BAV, and the in-hospital mortality was 56%, but the overall risk of patients without car- diogenic shock was still 2% [15]. This emphasizes the underlying risk inherent in the patients that undergo BAV, and the importance of careful patient selection for the procedure.
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2. Hara H, Pedersen WR, Ladich E, Mooney M, Virmani R, Nakamura M, et al. Percuta- neous balloon aortic valvuloplasty revis- ited: time for a renaissance? Circulation. 2007;115:e334-e338. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCU- LATIONAHA.106.657098
3. Pedersen WR, Goldenberg IF, Feldman T. BAV in the TAVI Era: A review of current technique; uses in stand alone, bridging and predilation settings. Card Interv Today. 2010;4(4):77-84. Retrieved from http://ci- loplasty-in-the-tavi-era/
BAV has had resurgence in association with the dis- semination of TAVR. The lack of clear mortality benefit from BAV does not translate to lack of efficacy as a palliative therapy. BAV remains useful a bridge to sur- gical AVR or TAVR, and for symptom relief in patients who not candidates for either AVR approach. It is also useful as a diagnostic test for patients with low gra- dient-low output AS, and for those with mixed pul- monary and aortic valvular disease. BAV is used com- monly for TAVR predilatation, and this is sometimes helpful for annulus size assessment. Careful attention to balloon diameter selection and the details of tech- nique are important for optimizing outcomes.
Conflict of Interest
Dr Feldman is a consultant to Abbott, BSC, and Edwards. Dr Pedersen has ownership interest in InterValve.
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Feldman, T. et al.
Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty

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