Page 35 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 2, Issue 1
P. 35

Original Research Report
Video 43. The balloon catheter is pulled back into the inferior vena cava before releasing the device. View supplementary vid- eo at
better alignment of the left atrial disk parallel to the septum [16].
Right frame: Sidecutting sheath is a modi ed Mul- lins sheath with the creation of a bevel at the inner curvature, also allowing a more parallel alignment of the left atrial disk to the interatrial septum [17].
Slide # 53:
Wahab technique (Dilator-assisted technique): Following deployment of the left atrial disk, a long dilator is advanced into the left atrium, holding the anterosuperior part of the left atrial disk to prevent it from prolapsing [18].
Slide # 54:
*Balloon assisted technique [19]:
Left frame: An Occlutech balloon (Boston Scienti c, Watertown, Massachusetts, USA) is positioned in the right atrium and pushed against the interatrial septum over a Supersti  wire positioned in the LSPV. The ASO delivery sheath is positioned in the right superior pul- monary vein (Video 40).
Video 44. The Superstiff wire now pulled back into the infe- rior vena cava before releasing the device. View supplemen- tary video at vid.44.
Video 45.
Device position con rmed in left anterior oblique view and released. View supplementary video at http://dx.doi. org/10.12945/j.jshd.2016.007.14.vid.45.
Jain, S. et al.
Catheter closure of atrial septal defect

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