Page 29 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 5, Issue 4
P. 29

Meeting Abstracts
    30. Figure 1. X Ray shows severe cardiac enlargement with high pulmonary flow.
30. Figure 2. Postnatal echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis. Right atrium, and ventricular dilatation with ventricular dysfunction.
Prenatal echocardiography at 27 week of gesta- tion detected an atypical diastolic high flow communica- tion from the ascending aorta (Ao asc) to the right atrium (RA) without signs of ventricular dysfunction during prena- tal follow-up.
A female neonate was delivered at 38 weeks of gestation. During first hours of life progressive tachy-/dyspnea devel- oped requiring noninvasive ventilation, oxygen supple- mentation, diuretics and milrinone.
X Ray shows severe cardiac enlargement with high pulmo- nary flow (Figure 1).
30. Figure 3. The procedure was done, performing A-V loop through a 4 Fr. Torq Vue catheter (NR), releasing one ADO II 6/4 device from the right side of the CAF.
Postnatal echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis . Right atrium, and ventricular dilatation with ventricular dysfunction (Figure 2).
Due to progressive respiratory failure, consequence of a large left-to-right shunt,refractory to medical treatment cardiac cathetherization was indicated.
Angiography was performed under general anesthesia at 7 days of life showing a giant CAF arising from the dilated left coronary artery origin. A tunnel-like structure 7- 9 mm diameter, draining into the right atrium, was found amena- ble for percutaneous closure.
The procedure was done, performing A-V loop through a 4 Fr. Torq Vue catheter (NR), releasing one ADO II 6/4 device from the right side of the CAF (Figure 3).
Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy were started immediately after the procedure.
The patient evolved favorably, without cardiac insuffi- ciency, rising normal weight and height in a few months.
   Hijazi, Z
22nd Annual PICS/AICS Meeting

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