Page 31 - Journal of Structural Heart Disease Volume 2, Issue 1
P. 31

Original Research Report
Video 30. TEE loops depicting a large ASD in a small child. The left atrium is relatively smaller compared to the right atri- um. View supplementary video at jshd.2016.007.14.vid.30.
Video 31. TEE loops depicting a large ASD in a small child. The left atrium is relatively smaller compared to the right atri- um. View supplementary video at jshd.2016.007.14.vid.31.
Slide # 40:
Video 32. TEE depicting the left atrial disk lying perpendicular to the atrial septum due to inability to accommodate the disk in the left atrium. View supplementary video at http://dx.doi. org/10.12945/j.jshd.2016.007.14.vid.32.
Video 33. ASO being deployed via LSPV technique that is engaging the LA disk into LSPV. The LA disk disengagement was spontaneous. View supplementary video at http://dx.doi. org/10.12945/j.jshd.2016.007.14.vid.33.
Slide # 41:
Left frame: Delivery sheath “peeled” back over the loading cable to allow release of the waist
Left frame: The left atrial disk of the ASO is pulled back against the interatrial septum (Video 20).
Right frame: Corresponding TEE loop depicting the same (Video 21).
Jain, S. et al.
Catheter closure of atrial septal defect

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